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  • 당분간 싱달러가 계속 초강세로 갈것 같습니다..!
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  • 2010-07-13 12:34
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이건 뭐 전세계에서 가장 경제성장이 높으니... 밑의 기사처럼 중국경제성장율을 (같은 경제factors들을 대비했을 때, 즉 1:1 규모로 비교했을 때도)보다도 더 높은 무려 10.8%의 경제성장율을 달성할 것 같아서 올해 평균경제성장율 9%를 달성할 중국경제보다 더 높을 것 같다고 합니다! 그리고 올해 1/4분기 2/4분기 이미 국민소득은 4만불을 넘었고, 환산해봐야 하지만, 1/4분기 성장율은 무려 38.6% 2/4분기는 20%가 넘을 것이라고 하네요. 전세계 최고의 성장율을 압도적으로 보이고 있군요... 싱달러 강세는 단기간이 아니라 중장기적으로 계속 될 것 같습니다... 부동산시장같은 자산가치들 싱가폴 초고속 경제성장과 더불어 국민소득증가와 맞물려  이제 다시 상승하겠군요.   좀 지나면 아시아에서 홍콩을 따라잡고(?) 가장 비싼 도시가 되지 않을 까 합니다. Singapore’s Economic Growth Probably Exceeded 20% (Update1) Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A By Shamim Adam and Jay Wang July 13 (Bloomberg) -- Singapore’s economy probably grew more than 20 percent for a second quarter as rising exports boosted manufacturing output and the opening of two casinos spurred tourist arrivals. Gross domestic product rose an annualized 23 percent in the second quarter from the previous three months, after climbing 38.6 percent in the January-to-March period, according to the median estimate of 12 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The trade ministry will release the data at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Singapore’s strengthening economy has added to an Asian rebound that prompted central banks to raise interest rates in recent weeks, even amid concern that Europe’s debt crisis will slow the global recovery. The nation has raised its GDP forecast twice this year and Credit Suisse Group AG and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. predict the island may overtake China as Asia’s fastest-growing economy in 2010. “The strength of the first-quarter recovery took most by surprise, and Singapore could see an even more impressive second quarter, judging by the latest manufacturing data,” said Alvin Liew, a Singapore-based economist at Standard Chartered Plc. The country also benefited from “robust tourist arrivals,” lured by new attractions, he said. The benchmark Singapore stock index rose 0.3 percent at 9:37 a.m. local time, and has climbed 29 percent in the past year. The island’s currency added 0.2 percent to 1.3809 per U.S. dollar, bringing this year’s gain to 1.5 percent. Manufacturing Gains Singapore’s manufacturing increased an average 45 percent in the first five months of 2010, after declining an average 13 percent in the same period last year. Pharmaceutical output has at least doubled every month from March to May. “Pharmaceuticals and electronics did very well last quarter, while trade services and tourism arrivals helped beef up growth,” said Enrico Tanuwidjaja, a regional economist at OSK-DMG Group in Singapore. “We are expecting the momentum in manufacturing to slow in the second half.” The performance of Singapore’s pharmaceutical industry is volatile as production swings by companies such as Sanofi- Aventis SA can cause industrial output to fluctuate. The opening of two casino resorts by Genting Singapore Plc and Las Vegas Sands Corp. this year, which include a theme park and convention centers, has contributed to record tourist arrivals every month through May and is helping fuel employment. The economy probably grew 17.3 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier, according to the median estimate of 13 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Singapore’s trade promotion industry will also release export figures tomorrow. Overseas shipments may rise 22.6 percent in June from a year earlier, after a 24.4 percent gain in May, according to the median estimate of 10 economists. Non- oil domestic exports will probably gain between 15 percent and 17 percent in 2010, the government said in May. To contact the reporter: Last Updated: July 12, 2010 21:53 EDT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Singapore May Surpass China as Asia’s Fastest Growing (Update1) Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A By Shamim Adam July 9 (Bloomberg) -- Singapore may overtake China as Asia’s fastest-growing economy this year, increasing the attractiveness of the city state’s stocks and putting pressure on policy makers to check inflation with a stronger currency. Gross domestic product of the Southeast Asian island will rise 10.8 percent in 2010, according to the median of 13 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey before the July 14 second- quarter GDP report. By comparison, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., BNP Paribas and Macquarie Group Ltd. have cut estimates for China to at most 10.1 percent in recent weeks. An acceleration in pharmaceutical output and the opening of two casino resorts boosted growth in the first half, the result of Singapore’s efforts to diversify sources of expansion beyond electronics exports. The push to bolster services may sustain the economy and support investment that spurred the island’s benchmark stock index to outperform counterparts in China, Taiwan, Japan and Australia this year. “Singapore has unique growth characteristics of its own as a function of having some new areas of growth,” said Manraj Sekhon, the London-based head of international equities at Henderson Global Investors Ltd., whose firm oversees about $94 billion in assets, including shares in Singapore companies. Stock Performance Henderson has “meaningful positions” in Singapore-based companies such as Wilmar International Ltd., the world’s largest palm-oil trader, and Keppel Corp., the biggest maker of shallow- water rigs, he said. Its holdings of Singaporean stocks, also including CapitaLand Ltd. and casino operator Genting Singapore Plc, are “close to the highest positions we’ve had,” he said. Singapore’s benchmark stock index has climbed 28 percent in the past year, more than Hong Kong’s Hang Seng and Taiwan’s Taiex, while the Shanghai benchmark has fallen 22 percent. The Straits Times Index rose 0.3 percent as of 9:45 a.m. local time. Faster growth may prod the Monetary Authority of Singapore to do more at its next policy review in October, according to Kit Wei Zheng, an economist at Citigroup Inc. in Singapore. Wage pressures are increasing and inflation may reach 5 percent by the end of 2010, from 3.2 percent in May, he said. “There are now higher odds for the MAS to tighten further in October via a steeper appreciation” of the Singapore dollar, he said. Citigroup, which predicts Singapore’s GDP will advance 12.5 percent this year, says there are upside risks to its forecasts and the expansion may be as much as 15 percent. Currency Revaluation The central bank uses the Singapore dollar instead of interest rates to manage inflation, and on April 14 allowed a revaluation and shifted to a stance of gradual appreciation. The currency rose as much as 1.2 percent on the day of the MAS announcement, before slipping the following month as Europe’s debt crisis threatened to slow the global expansion. Singapore’s $182 billion economy is about 1/24 the size of China’s. Against the U.S. dollar, Singapore’s currency rose 0.1 percent to S$1.3787 as of 9:45 a.m., a sixth day of gains and compared with a high for the year of S$1.3649 on April 30. It may advance to S$1.36 by year-end and S$1.33 at the end of 2011, according to the median forecasts in Bloomberg News surveys. Singapore’s ties to the global economy mean it’s unlikely to escape the impact of any renewed slowdown. Governments in Europe are embarking on austerity programs to cut budget deficits and households in some of the world’s largest economies are holding back spending, clouding the outlook for the rebound. Cracks Showing “Some cracks are starting to show in the global economy,” said Alvin Liew, a Singapore-based economist at Standard Chartered Plc. “Drugs and tourists likely boosted second- quarter growth above the first quarter but a Jekyll-Hyde year may see a weaker second half. Life can become very unpredictable” if you rely on pharmaceuticals and “start dabbling in casinos,” he said. The performance of Singapore’s pharmaceutical industry is volatile as production swings by companies such as Sanofi- Aventis SA can cause industrial output to fluctuate. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s government has raised the island’s GDP forecast twice this year as tourists arrive in record numbers, companies increase hiring and vessels leave the city’s ports carrying more cargo. The economic rebound has caused inflation to accelerate as rising demand stokes home and car prices. Asia’s Fastest Singapore is likely to become Asia’s fastest-growing economy this year, according to Credit Suisse Group AG and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Forecasts for the island’s expansion this year range from 9.7 percent to 13 percent among the economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Estimates by Goldman, BNP Paribas, Macquarie and China International Capital Corp. for China’s 2010 growth range from 9.5 percent to 10.1 percent. The government in Asia’s second- largest economy is scheduled to release second-quarter GDP figures on July 15. The last time Singapore’s GDP rose more than China’s was in 2000, according to data compiled by the International Monetary Fund. Singapore’s manufacturing increased an average 45 percent in the first five months of 2010, after declining an average 13 percent in the same period last year. Pharmaceutical output has at least doubled every month from March to May.     

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