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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • [질문]
  • 미답변
  • 기타
  • 리서치 조사에 참여해 주세요! ^-^
  • palmtree (bjilove)
  • 질문 : 17건
  • 질문마감률 : 0%
  • 2010-06-02 16:50
  • 답글 : 0
  • 댓글 : 0
  • 991
  • 3
안녕하세요? 현재 University of Newcastle 대학원에 재학중인 제 친구가 20~30세의 싱가폴리언과 한국인을 대상으로 인터넷 광고에 대한 리서치 조사를 하려고 하는데 한국분들의 도움이 필요합니다.   다음은 제 친구가 올리는 글로써 시간 내어 읽어 주시면 대단히 감사드리겠습니다. 만약 리서치 조사에 참여를 원하시는 분이 계시다면 로 연락 주세요!!!! 여러분의 많은 참여 진심으로 부탁드립니다! 감사합니다. Hi All! I, Marni Sanjiman, am an Honours student at the University of Newcastle (Singapore campus). I am currently conducting a research on ‘Inter-cultural Internet advertising: do different Asian cultures read advertisements differently?’ I would like to invite Singaporeans and South Koreans of 20 to 30 years old to take part in a focus group that I will be conducting as part of my research. The purpose of my research is to examine the differences in the perceptions of inter-Asian consumers toward Internet advertising. As Asian countries, such as Singapore and South Korea, emerge as key growth areas of Internet usage, it is essential to identify and understand the suitability of Internet advertising in the Asian market. Apart from the identification of differences in perceptions, the research seeks to explore the way Asian audiences consume Internet advertisements. This will allow advertisers to be in a better position to practice inter-cultural communication more effectively and cater to the needs of the Asian market. 

 As global companies continuously strive to improve its marketing strategies to cater to its growing consumers, I strongly believe that this research will serve as a platform for consumers to make their needs known. I truly hope that we can work hand-in-hand for the greater good of the advertising industry.  As consumers ourselves, this study will go a long way in helping us understand how the new media affects consumer trends. Please email your interest to by 28th May 2010 (Friday).  I very much look forward to working with you.  Thank you for your consideration. I appreciate your support. Regards, Marni Sanjiman     

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