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- 독서동호회
- (MBC) 02월 03일 월요 모임 공지-Life without limits - [2/2]
페이지 정보
- milkis50 (milkis50)
- 172
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- 2014-01-31
두 번 토론을 갖고 끝내게 되었네요.
다음 책은 좀 더 재밌고, 토론 주제도 다양하면 좋겠어요^^
월요모임 모두 새해 복 많이 받으세요.
- 날짜 : 2014년 2월 03일 월요일
- 시간 : 오전 10시 30분
- 장소 : 360 Orchard Rd.#09-02 international Building
- 독서 분량 : 끝까지^^..
토론 주제
1. Nick depended on his religion when he felt his limits. In your case, how would you do when you feel your limits or have a difficult problem?
2. Do you have any experience to challenge your limits? If you have, which one? Or, If you don’t have, would you like to challenge your limits in the future?
3. “What would your life be like if anything were possible?” is topic question in this book. Please talk about this question one another, and we could close this book.
끝. ^^*
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