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- 독서동호회
- (MBC) 12월 09일 월요일 공지
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- milkis50 (milkis50)
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- 2013-12-08
공지글을 너무 늦게 올리게 되서 죄송합니다.
월요일에 만나, 월요 독서모임에 대해 더 많은 얘기 나눠 보아요^^
모두 아시겠지만 저희의 첫 도서는 Mitch Albom의 "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"입니다.
* 독서 분량은 p57~102p입니다. (The Third Person Eddie Meets in Heaven 바로 앞까지)
* 모임 장소는 Wisma Atria의 TCC
* 모임 일시는 12월 09일 오전 10시 30분
새로우신 분들이 많으니, 처음 내용부터 차근차근 얘기 나눠 보아요.
토론 주제
Think about Eddies war experiences and discuss your reactions to Alboms evocation of war.
What did Eddie learn by being in war?
How did he "come home a different man"?
Why did the captain shoot Eddie?
Explore what it means when the captain tells Eddie, "I took your leg to save your life."
Why does the captain tell Eddie that sacrifice is not really a loss, but a gain?
Examine whether or not Eddie understands this, and the significance of this lesson.
Discuss what you might say to Eddie when he asks "why would heaven make you relive your own decay?".
월요일에 뵙겠습니다^.^
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